Capital Reporting Company is certainly proud to offer comprehensive court reporting and deposition services in Washington, DC. However, because of our extensive services, we understand the task of case management may seem overwhelming. Thus, we offer an array of technological conveniences, plus your specially designated case manager, to ensure that all aspects of your deposition stay organized and under control. Whether you are participating in a deposition in Washington, DC, or your case takes you across the world, our DC deposition case managers will help streamline all of your services and see that all litigants stay connected and informed.
Once you schedule a Washington DC court reporter with us, we will assign you a case manager, who will quickly reach out to you and your key staff members. Our case managers enjoy meeting face to face and will arrange for such a meeting if your schedule permits. From there, we can fully assess your needs and assign the DC court reporter best suited to your case. If your deposition is a multi-city operation, then we will do our best to provide you with the same court reporter each time you visit a location. This allows for less transitions and greater consistency throughout the proceedings. Your deposition case manager will ensure that your court reporters in each city are kept up to speed on your specific needs throughout the process and is familiar with any terminology specific to the case.
While we strive to provide case management services with a personal touch, we also offer the convenience of technology, and provide means to keep your work organized on the go. Traveling for your case? Simply access your invoices, calendars and transcripts through your personalized online client portal. Quality deposition case management doesn’t have to end with the business day. Our custom, client-only web portal, Lit Connect, will stay with you 24/7. And for more extensive online case management services, our Mobile Transcript app offers the perfect complement to Lit Connect. Through our mobile transcript app, you may download your transcripts to your smartphone or tablet and take them anywhere. You’ll never worry about carrying 400 page transcripts in your briefcase again. Simply download the app from the iTunes store.
With quality in-person and online case management, our Washington, DC court reporting company seamlessly facilitates an array of court reporting services. Our high-caliber case management is just one of the reasons Capital Reporting Company has been named among the Best Overall Providers of Court Reporting 7 Deposition Services in the National Law Journal/ Legal Times in 2012, 2013, and 2014. To get started on your Washington, DC deposition, and ensure it gets the detailed case management it needs, schedule a deposition with Capital Reporting Company today.